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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Down Hill Running

 Went down Gaits road this morning  having being dropped of in Chemainus and running back to saltair cutting through stocking creek Park  , coming to Gaits road and running down hill I find its easy to over stride when running down this hill over striding  causes tears and injured muscles and tendons., which makes you land harder, wears you out sooner Its also common to lean back into the hill landing on your heels and trying to brake or slow down This is a good way to get blisters or lose a few toenails as the foot slides within the shoe as you brake .Instead try too lean slightly forward, having the center of your body or gravity toward the bottom of the hill. This changes your momentum from fighting the slope of the hill to moving with gravity down hill  . I usually try to stay up right having my feet land underneath me lowering my arms and spreading them out and increasing the swing off my arm movement This is  to balance myself and keeping myself in an upright stance  so that gravity will help me  run down hill If I go too fast I shorten my stride and have an faster turn over to slow myself down,  Some times it seems your out off control running downhill then you should slow your pace and stride and arm movement. 

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In running, it doesnt matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say,I have finished; There is a lot of satisfaction in having accomplished that goal, its a great feeling. Runnertwo