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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is Running Easy

What is there that makes running so tough or why would you lose your motivation. After all , all you have to do is put on your runners ,go outside and move your feet in front of each other swing your arms a bit and go as fast as you can, that is till you run out off breath a few steps down the road. It's hard to keep going out this time of the year , it gets dark earlier  then the cold and rain, Sounds like I'm making excuses for staying inside. When I do go out I find it best to first   have the right running gear on When it dark and rainy I wear a light and reflecting clothing to make sure that motorists  and  bikers can spot me, I even wear layers of shirts if it gets to warm I tie them around my middle, Now that i,m out and running I like to look twenty feet ahead not with my head down and looking at my black or yellow toes, looking down blocks your air passage making it harder to breathe and your certainly going to trip on something you hadn't noticed if you would have looked ahead of you. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and square with you body, your arms swinging at ninety degree angles beside you not flopping  all over the place or swinging in front of you.  Keep you body aligned  with your ankles, having only a slight lean forward so that your body  pulls  your feet along Some time it seems I forget about my butt It gets left behind and I have to remind myself to run straighter. and always try to make sure that my feet don't land too far in front of me so that my body weight does have to be pushed over my centre of gravity. All this to make my run more enjoyable.

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In running, it doesnt matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say,I have finished; There is a lot of satisfaction in having accomplished that goal, its a great feeling. Runnertwo